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Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is the office that produces all official statistics of the Netherlands.

For long CBS has put its data on the web in its online database StatLine. Since 2014 this data base has an open data web API based on the OData protocol. The cbsodataR package allows for retrieving data right into R using this API.

A new version of the web api has been developed which is based on the OData4 protocol. This OData4 API contains major changes in how the metadata and data is transported, hence this package cbsodata4. Since the old web api will be phased out in due time, cbsodata4 is the successor of cbsodataR.

This document describes how to use cbsodata4 to download data (and meta data) from Statistics Netherlands. It offers very similar functions as cbsodataR, so should be familiar to users of cbsodataR, but there are differences so carefully check your code.

List of datasets (toc)

A list of datasets that are available can be loaded with with cbs4_get_datasets() (cbs4_get_toc() is an alias)

datasets <- cbs4_get_datasets()
head(datasets[,c("Identifier", "Title", "Modified")])
Identifier Title Modified
00371edu Basiseducatie; deelnemers naar leeftijd, 1993-2006 2013-06-05
00372 Aardgasbalans; aanbod en verbruik 2022-03-31
00377 Elektriciteitsbalans; aanbod en verbruik 1919-2018 2019-08-13
03742 Immi- en emigratie; leeftijd (31 dec.), burgerlijke staat, geboorteland 2021-07-14
03747 Overledenen; geslacht, leeftijd, burgerlijke staat, regio 2021-09-06
03753 Onderwijsinstellingen; grootte, soort, levensbeschouwelijke grondslag 2021-06-30

Using cbs4_search a list of tables can be found that contain desired search terms, e.g. “Diesel”:

datasets <- cbs4_search("Diesel")
head(datasets[,c("Identifier", "Title", "rel")])
Identifier Title rel
1549 84991NED Pompprijzen motorbrandstoffen; brandstofsoort, per kwartaal 21.11548
312 80416ned Pompprijzen motorbrandstoffen; brandstofsoort, per dag 13.86831
1374 84596NED Aardoliegrondstoffen- en aardolieproductenbalans; aanbod en verbruik 13.52961
457 81567NED Pompprijzen motorbrandstoffen; locatie tankstation, brandstofsoort 13.31090
867 83406NED Motorbrandstoffen; afzet in petajoule, gewicht en volume, 1946-april 2021 13.22246
156 71107ned Verkeersprestaties personenauto’s; eigendom, brandstof, gewicht, leeftijd 12.49478

Using an “Identifier” from cbs4_get_datasets information on the table can be retrieved with cbs4_get_metadata

meta_petrol <- cbs4_get_metadata("80416ned")
#> cbs odatav4: '80416ned':
#> "Pompprijzen motorbrandstoffen; brandstofsoort, per dag"
#> dimensions: Perioden
#> For more info use 'str(x)' or 'names(x)' to find out its properties.

The meta object contains all metadata properties of cbsodata in the form of data.frames. Each data.frame describes properties of the CBS table: “Dimensions”, “MeasureCodes” and one ore more “<Dimension>Codes” describing the meta data of the borders of a SN table.

#> [1] "Dimensions"     "MeasureCodes"   "PeriodenGroups" "PeriodenCodes" 
#> [5] "Properties"
meta_petrol$MeasureCodes[, 1:3]
Identifier Index Title
A047220 1 Benzine Euro95
A047219 2 Diesel
A047221 3 Lpg
@odata.type Identifier Title Description MapYear ReleasePolicy Kind ContainsGroups ContainsCodes
#Cbs.Ccb.Models.TimeDimension Perioden Perioden NA FALSE TimeDimension TRUE TRUE
# just 1 dimension with the following categories:
Identifier Index Title Description DimensionGroupId Status
20060101 1 2006 zondag 1 januari 0 NA
20060102 2 2006 maandag 2 januari 0 NA
20060103 3 2006 dinsdag 3 januari 0 NA
20060104 4 2006 woensdag 4 januari 0 NA
20060105 5 2006 donderdag 5 januari 0 NA
20060106 6 2006 vrijdag 6 januari 0 NA

Data retrieval

With cbs4_get_observations and cbs4_get_data data can be retrieved. By default this will be downloaded in a temporary directory, but this can be set explicitly with the argument download_dir.

cbs4_get_observations is the format in which the data is downloaded from Statistic Netherlands (CBS). It is in so-called long format. It contains one Measure column, describing the topics/variable, one Value column describing the statistical value, one or more Dimension columns and some extra columns with value specific metadata.

obs <- cbs4_get_observations("80416ned")
Id Measure ValueAttribute Value Perioden
0 A047220 None 1.325 20060101
1 A047219 None 1.003 20060101
2 A047221 None 0.543 20060101
3 A047220 None 1.328 20060102
4 A047219 None 1.007 20060102
5 A047221 None 0.542 20060102

cbs4_get_data returns the data in so-called wide format in which each Measure has its own column. For many uses this is a more natural format. It is a pivoted version of cbs4_get_observations().

# same data, but pivoted
data <- cbs4_get_data("80416ned", name_measure_columns = FALSE)
head(data, 2)
Perioden A047219 A047220 A047221
20060101 1.003 1.325 0.543
20060102 1.007 1.328 0.542

By default the names of the columns are more readable with cbs4_get_data

# same data, but pivoted
data <- cbs4_get_data("80416ned")
head(data, 2)
Perioden Diesel Benzine Euro95 Lpg
20060101 1.003 1.325 0.543
20060102 1.007 1.328 0.542

Adding category label columns

The Dimension and Measure columns use codes/keys/identifiers to describe categories. These can be found in the metadata, but can also be automatically added using cbs4_add_label_columns.

obs <- cbs4_get_observations("80416ned")
obs <- cbs4_add_label_columns(obs)
Id Measure MeasureLabel ValueAttribute Value Perioden PeriodenLabel
0 A047220 Benzine Euro95 None 1.325 20060101 2006 zondag 1 januari
1 A047219 Diesel None 1.003 20060101 2006 zondag 1 januari
2 A047221 Lpg None 0.543 20060101 2006 zondag 1 januari
3 A047220 Benzine Euro95 None 1.328 20060102 2006 maandag 2 januari
4 A047219 Diesel None 1.007 20060102 2006 maandag 2 januari
5 A047221 Lpg None 0.542 20060102 2006 maandag 2 januari


data <- cbs4_get_data("80416ned")
data <- cbs4_add_label_columns(data)
head(data, 2)
Perioden PeriodenLabel Diesel Benzine Euro95 Lpg
20060101 2006 zondag 1 januari 1.003 1.325 0.543
20060102 2006 maandag 2 januari 1.007 1.328 0.542

Adding Date column

The period/time columns of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) contain coded time periods: e.g. 2018JJ00 (i.e. 2018), 2018KW03 (i.e. 2018 Q3), 2016MM04 (i.e. 2016 April). With cbs4_add_date_column the time periods will be converted and added to the data:

obs <- cbs4_get_observations("80416ned")
obs <- cbs4_add_date_column(obs)
Id Measure ValueAttribute Value Perioden Perioden_Date Perioden_freq
0 A047220 None 1.325 20060101 2006-01-01 D
1 A047219 None 1.003 20060101 2006-01-01 D
2 A047221 None 0.543 20060101 2006-01-01 D
3 A047220 None 1.328 20060102 2006-01-02 D
4 A047219 None 1.007 20060102 2006-01-02 D
5 A047221 None 0.542 20060102 2006-01-02 D
data <- cbs4_get_data("80416ned")
data <- cbs4_add_date_column(data)
Perioden Perioden_Date Perioden_freq Diesel Benzine Euro95 Lpg
20060101 2006-01-01 D 1.003 1.325 0.543
20060102 2006-01-02 D 1.007 1.328 0.542
20060103 2006-01-03 D 1.007 1.332 0.540
20060104 2006-01-04 D 1.020 1.348 0.550
20060105 2006-01-05 D 1.021 1.347 0.550
20060106 2006-01-06 D 1.023 1.353 0.549

Adding a Unit column

Each Measure has a measure unit, which can be added to observations with cbs4_add_unit_column()

obs <- cbs4_get_observations("80416ned")
obs <- cbs4_add_unit_column(obs)
Id Measure ValueAttribute Value Unit
0 A047220 None 1.325 euro/liter
1 A047219 None 1.003 euro/liter
2 A047221 None 0.543 euro/liter
3 A047220 None 1.328 euro/liter
4 A047219 None 1.007 euro/liter
5 A047221 None 0.542 euro/liter

Filter data before download

It is possible to restrict the download using filter statements. This may shorten the download time considerably.


Filter statements for the columns can be used to restrict the download. Note the following:

  • To filter you will need to use the values found in the Identifier column in the cbs4_get_metadata objects. e.g. for year 2020, the code is “2020JJ00”.
meta <- cbs4_get_metadata("60006")
Identifier Index Title Description DimensionGroupId Status
155 2020JJ00 155 2020 1 Definitief
156 2021KW01 156 2021 1e kwartaal Voorlopige cijfers 0 Voorlopig
157 2021KW02 157 2021 2e kwartaal Voorlopige cijfers 0 Voorlopig
158 2021KW03 158 2021 3e kwartaal Voorlopige cijfers 0 Voorlopig
159 2021KW04 159 2021 4e kwartaal Voorlopige cijfers 0 Voorlopig
160 2021JJ00 160 2021 Voorlopige cijfers 1 Voorlopig
Identifier Title
M003026 Theoretisch beschikbare uren
M002994_2 Totaal niet-productieve uren
M003031 Vorst- en neerslagverlet
M003013 Overig
M003019 Productieve uren
  • To filter for values in a column add <column_name> = values to cbs4_get_observations (or cbs4_get_data) e.g. Perioden = c("2019KW04", "2020KW01")
obs <- cbs4_get_observations("60006"
                            , Measure = c("M003026","M003019")     # selection on Measures
                            , Perioden = c("2019KW04", "2020KW01") # selection on Perioden
Id Measure MeasureLabel ValueAttribute Value Perioden PeriodenLabel
740 M003026 Theoretisch beschikbare uren None 530 2019KW04 2019 4e kwartaal
744 M003019 Productieve uren None 370 2019KW04 2019 4e kwartaal
750 M003026 Theoretisch beschikbare uren None 520 2020KW01 2020 1e kwartaal
754 M003019 Productieve uren None 400 2020KW01 2020 1e kwartaal
  • To filter for values in a column that have a substring e.g. “JJ” you can use <column_name> = contains(<substring>) to cbs4_get_data e.g.  Perioden = contains("JJ")
data <- cbs4_get_data("60006"
                     , Measure = c("M003026","M003019")     # selection on Measures
                     , Perioden = contains("2019") # retrieve all periods with 2019
Perioden Productieve uren Theoretisch beschikbare uren
2019JJ00 1475 2090
2019KW01 375 510
2019KW02 415 520
2019KW03 320 530
2019KW04 370 530
  • To combine values and substring use the “|” operator: Periods = contains("2019") | "2020KW01"
data <- cbs4_get_data("60006"
                     , Measure = c("M003026","M003019")         # selection on Measures
                     , Perioden = contains("2019") | "2020KW01" # retrieve all periods with 2019
Perioden Productieve uren Theoretisch beschikbare uren
2019JJ00 1475 2090
2019KW01 375 510
2019KW02 415 520
2019KW03 320 530
2019KW04 370 530
2020KW01 400 520

query with odata v4 syntax

For the adventurous, it is possible to specify a odata v4 query themselves.

  # supply your own odata 4 query
  cbs4_get_data("84287NED", query = "$filter=Perioden eq '2019MM12'")
BedrijfstakkenBranchesSBI2008 Perioden Vacature-indicator
300007 2019MM12 0.23
307500 2019MM12 0.07
350000 2019MM12 0.15
T001081 2019MM12 0.21

Download data

Data and metadata of a table can also be downloaded explicitly by using cbs4_download. This can be an option if you don’t want to load the data into memory (which both cbs4_get_data and cbs4_get_observations do), but only store it on disk.

cbs4_download("60006", download_dir = "./60006") # will download data and metadata in csv format.

Other catalogs

CBS / Statistics Netherlands also offers collections of datasets that are not part of the main collections: so-called catalogs. These can be retrieved with cbs4_get_catalogs().

catalogs <- cbs4_get_catalogs() 
Identifier Index
CBS-asd 2

Another options is to set the catalog argument in cbs4_get_datasets to NULL

ds <- cbs4_get_datasets()
#> [1] 1620

ds_all <- cbs4_get_datasets(catalog = NULL)
#> [1] 1623

ds_asd <- cbs4_get_datasets(catalog = "CBS-asd")
#> [1] 3